On a show on Pakistan’s state-owned television network, PTV, two retired Pakistan Navy (PN) officials – Vice Admiral Ahmed Saeed and Rear Admiral Saleem Akhtar – discussed the PN’s ongoing acquisition of Hangor-class (S26) submarines from China. Adm. Saeed…
Bilal Khan
Founder of Quwa, Bilal has been researching Pakistani defence industry and security issues for over 15 years. His work has been cited by Pakistan's National Defence University (NDU), the Council of Foreign Relations, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Centre of Airpower…
In 2015 the PN initiated a significant program to both modernize and expand its surface and sub-surface fleets . The process started with a contract to acquire eight S26 air-independent propulsion (AIP)-equipped submarines (SSP) from China in 2015. This was followed by…