PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) says it will collaborate with Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) to develop unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).
UkrOboronProm announced that it has begun the “practical stage” of its reform and restructuring process to attract invest and engage in partnerships.
The People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) announced that the Chengdu J-20 participated in exercises with PLAAF J-10C and J-16s.
UkrOboronProm announced that the Malyshev Plant delivered a batch of engine kits to Pakistan’s Heavy Industries Taxila for the al-Khalid I main battle tank.
The Nigerian Air Force has received the second and final batch of Super Mushshak trainers from Pakistan Aeronautical Complex.
UkrOboronProm is promoting the progress Antonov made through 2017 with the An-132D and the promise of reviving the An-70
The Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) has invited bids for integrating the F-35 Lightning II to the Turkey’s Air Force Information System (HVBS)
In a promotional video for the breaking-ground event of the Air University Aerospace and Aviation campus in Kamra, Pakistan showed-off drone design concepts.
Photos emerged of a NORINCO VT4 main battle tank (MBT) in Pakistan, ostensibly for trials for a MBT requirement which could also feature an Oplot-P unit.
Saudi Arabia is reportedly planning to taking-over the CMN FS56 fast attack craft it had originally bought for the Lebanese Navy.