The next several years will be critical for the PAF as it intends to phase-out a significant number of its legacy fighters by 2020. For the foreseeable future, the PAF will center its fighter acquisition plans on the JF-17 and F-16.
The Swedish defence vendor Saab recently announced that its aerial surveillance systems, the GlobalEye and Swordfish, are now available as complete off-the-shelf solutions.
In terms of the long-term, Pakistan will be best served by selecting a new-generation frigate, which it can then build-upon…
PAC’s JF-17 and Super Mushshak make a goodwill visit to Qatar; More trouble in Congress for Pakistan’s F-16 hopes
Ukraine’s ambassador to Pakistan, expressed hope that Ukraine and Pakistan would strengthen their defence ties, particularly in the area of defence industry cooperation.
The JF-17’s Chief Project Directo said that Selex was competing for the JF-17 Block-III’s AESA radar requirement; could more be afoot in this area?
It is possible that the PAF is considering used F-16s as a means to both plug nearing operational gaps as well as steadily …
The Pakistan Army’s near 40-strong Cobra fleet (Flight Global) has reached the point where a suitable successor must enter the pipeline, so as to ensure the Army’s close air support (CAS) capacities are not only maintained, but strengthened.
The sale of MAR-1 anti-radiation missiles and Piranha air-to-air missiles served as an important bridge for Brazilian-Pakistani commercial defence ties. Not only did they demonstrate Brazil’s willingness to sell Pakistan fairly advanced military technology …
Pakistan, who has sought to cultivate strong defence ties with Ankara over the past decade through a series of arms purchases, joint-exercises and a bilateral pilot training exchange program, is interested in the Altay MBT