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Egypt will begin receiving Ka-52 attack helicopters by end of year
Last week, Russian Helicopters had announced that it Egypt will take delivery of its first 15 (of 46) Kamov Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ attack helicopters in 2017.
According to Russian News Agency TASS (citing Russia 24), Egypt will be receiving the Ka-52s in batches, with an initial three reported to have already been delivered. All 46 Ka-52s will be delivered by 2019.
The first Egyptian aircrew and technical specialists have also completed their respective training in Russia. They had arrived in June 2017 and had undergone a program – of two-and-a-half months – of learning the Ka-52’s ground support equipment and flight control systems (including tests at a firing range).
Egypt ordered the 46 Ka-52s in 2015 as part of a multi-billion-dollar defence deal with Russia, which also includes 50 Mikoyan MiG-29M/M2 multi-role fighters from United Aircraft Corporation.
Interestingly, while Egypt intends to ultimately acquire the naval variant Ka-52K ‘Katran’ for use aboard its two newly acquired Mistral landing platform docks (LPD), its current order contains only the standard Ka-52. The Ka-52s will serve alongside the AH-64D Apache Longbow.
On August 28, the Kamov Bureau’s Chief Designer Sergei Mikheyev told TASS that Egyptian personnel are in Russia for training on the Ka-52K ‘Katran’. Egyptian Ka-52K training will be completed in 2018. Rostec is in negotiations with Cairo for the sale of Ka-52K naval attack helicopters.
It is not known how many Ka-52Ks Egypt intends to procure. The Mistral LPD can carry up to 16 medium-to-heavy and attack helicopters in its hangars. However, this does not mean that Egypt will necessarily fit the LPD with solely Ka-52Ks, it may push for a mix of attack, utility and transport helicopters.
The Ka-52 Alligator is a heavyweight attack helicopter designed for anti-armour and close air support (CAS) operations. The twin-engine design is powered by two VK-2500 turboshaft engines (like the Mi-171 and Mi-28NE/UB), enabling to operate in many environments, including mountainous areas.
Its design carries several distinctive features, such as a coaxial rotor system (with two top rotor systems) with no tail rotors. Unlike other dedicated attack helicopters, Ka-52 aircrew sit side-by-side instead of in-tandem.
by Mahar Tahir Nawaz
good works it’s without tail rotor
by umar rana
which heli is it s competitor
by ali amanat
Its very unfortunate that all muslim countries are depending upon foreign vendors for all weapon systems , there is no local industrial base and technical know how, no research and development in any defence field also no technical and R&D cooperation between them always prefered to buy off the shelf, only five muslim countries can do something special if they join hands with each other ( turkey, iran , pakistan, indonesia and E gypt) other muslim countries even you cant imagine it from them.
by Steve
All this stuff is completely wasted on Egypt under its current US puppet government. Who are they going to use it against? Militants driving tanks? lol. They are spending money on weapons like no tomorrow to make Sisi feel good and think he is a big man after crushing democracy. In addition to Saudi largess a lot of it is loans which Egyptians will be paying off for the next 100 years. Rant over…the Alligator is a damn good anti armour platform, a bit of overkill in COIN role.
by Steve
I fully agree. However political affiliations matter. US puppets can’t make anything of significant as they are ‘forbidden’ to develop serious armaments, and get no help. They are forced to buy ready made to continue dependence. Tell me one US puppet Muslim government which makes anything substantial. Your list minus Egypt and including Malaysia could work.
by Dar...
Tandem fuselage design offers a theoretically smaller frontal radar/IR signature. This perhaps offers a slight advantage over adversarial weapon systems targeting the platform from directly ahead. Given the close support role of the platform this might provide an opportunity to at least enter the fray without being successfully targeted. Once the aircraft banks however and turns perpendicular it will have a significantly larger profile.
Side by side was identified by Russian research to offer significant communication advantages to the pilot(s). In combat clear, unambiguous and quick crew communication can make all the difference between coming home or being downed.
The 52 does however have ejector seats to make the sadly inevitable for some slightly more survivable. The extra width in the nacelle was probably also welcomed by the radar installers.
by Dar...
Mи-28Н within Russian service.
If you mean in it’s battle competitor, it’s so far untested against peers, but probably only a Viper would be a serious helio challenger in the air. As would a Mи-28H but it’s not going to meet a hostile one of those.
Any jet is a problematic competitor for any helio in the air.
It’s primary battle competitors are manpads and anti-air armour. Peer systems would be problematic for anyone’s helio’s.
If you mean competitor for sales then it’s hard to say it has any competitors as such because it’s such a new platform. It’s an expensive acquisition and Mother will pick and choose carefully who gets her Alligators.
by Dar...
Perhaps Russia hasn’t completely given up on acquiring two French built LPD’s, purpose built to Russian air requirements?
Perhaps Russia is very, very patiently waiting for the day to come, which it inevitably will, that sanctions are lifted.
What would Egypt prefer? Two LPD’s, or some battalions of S-400’s or S-500’s by then probably, with access to the BRICS on preferential terms thrown in?
America is focused on the next tweet, Russia always plays the long game, or at a minimum keeps future options open.
by Steve
China has given up the idea of BRICS-plus in this years meeting as the neighbours threw a tantrum and behaved like children over fear of eventual Pakistani participation. Fear of Pakistan just overwhelms them. Does not sit well with their declared and failed ‘isolation’ agenda.
by Dar...
True. However when it comes to ‘BRICS in the wall’ India’s contribution is more decorative rendering than structural foundation.
Egypt was the first Arab Nation to recognise modern China, and has been establishing very close economic and cultural ties for quite some time.
China is not only developing a new land ‘Silk Road’, of significantly greater value to China is the ’21st Maritime Silk Road’. Suez is a vital route to European markets. A Chinese destroyer has already navigated Suez. Not only Russia, but also China, have been quietly pouring money into industrial development in exclusive Suez-sided infrastructure. Both Russia and China desire a resilient Egyptian military. This is what keeps America interested in Egypt. This is what fanned the American inspired ‘Arab Spring’, but Egypt survived, and it’s Fall soon in America.
by Steve
Thanks for an informative post. I’m not sure how much Morsi’s democratic government was ‘American inspired’.
by Dar...
I understand why you would perceive a divergence between American interests and the current governance of Egypt.
When evaluating the consequences of American ’cause and effect’ it’s probably worth contemplating which American power base provided the inspiration.
The Military Industrial Complex? The deeply divided American Intelligence community? The financially domineering, egotistical capitalist WASP elite and their pawns? The headless chickens of media obsessed, neurotic Washington? Isn’t the major problem the world currently contends with the unpredictability of the consequences borne by others of the internal strife and machinations of ultra-competitive American factions?
Instability in the Middle East is undoubtedly a consequence of American, and it’s European vassal’s actions. The lack of coherent strategy, the divergence of objectives, the incompetence, the failures of ridiculously Machiavellian schemes, the ensuing chaos, all can ultimately be laid at America’s door.
It’s no surprise that capable countries experiencing foreign inspired insurrection counter react with a deeply conservative military response to rapidly restore some form of sovereign order and stability. What’s the option? Libya?
If mass social insurrection, led and facilitated by foreign backed agent provocateurs, had occurred in any European state, how long do you suppose it would have taken for that state’s military to intervene with full and draconian martial law? 6 to 12hrs max? America would do the same. As would any state with a fully functional and uncompromised military command and control.
Egypt’s military has long had powerful allies, and was and is, highly functional and getting steadily more so year by year. Their neighbourhood is however potentially America’s/Europe’s, next prospective military arms and strategy live testing ground, so I wouldn’t expect Egypt’s military to relinquish the reigns of power any time soon. Neither I suspect would any informed Egyptian politician want the reigns in their hands until they are significantly less hot to handle.
How do you see it?