Pakistan’s frigate and corvette acquisition/upgrade programs will deliver a considerably more capable force by the middle of the coming decade, but there may still be room for improvement.
FGFAs, which are exponentially more complex, will face inevitable delays, so the PAF can decide to “cut its losses” by killing the FGFA program and, instead, buy off-the-shelf. To ensure the success of Project Azm, the PAF should decouple its fighter requirement…
With Russia’s United Engine Corporation (UEC) announcing that it started testing its RD-93MA turbofan engine, could the new powerplant make its way to the JF-17?
The importance of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the modern battlespace is widely recognized in our times. With the success that UAVs have had in military operations in Libya and Syria, the importance of UAVs has become abundantly clear to today’s planners.
The Pakistan’s MILGEM corvette/frigate design shaping into a capable solution for the Pakistan Navy’s (PN) current and future needs. The PN should commit to additional ships and boost the localization of subsystems, weapons, and other inputs.
Turkey’s Tusaş Engine Industries (TEI) announced that it successfully tested its TJ300 miniature turbojet engine at Turkish Aerospace Industries’ (TAI) facilities. TEI also tested the “core” of its domestic TS1400 turboshaft engine, and is aiming to deliver the prototype to TAI in…
Turkey is setting an example of how to use armed UAVs against opposing military forces both today, and in the future. In contrast, Pakistan has not yet reached the level Turkey is at in drone design and deployment.
Unfortunately, the entities under Pakistan’s Strategic Plans Division provide many examples of what not to do in R&D organizations. Therefore, a quick study of the practices of the SPD’s organizations is extremely helpful in charting a future path for PAC’s AvRID directorate.
Pakistan’s reported VT-4 purchase is a stopgap measure in response to India’s T-90MS acquisition, but its effectiveness is debateable and Pakistan’s wider MBT modernisation options limited.
The Pakistan Navy (PN) Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, said that the PN will acquire new long-range maritime patrol aircraft (LRMPA), drones and helicopters.