The Turkish Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) has awarded TUSAŞ Engine Industries (TEI) a contract to develop a turboshaft engine for the T-625
Lockheed Martin produced its first LM-100J, a commercial freighter version of the popular C-130J Super Hercules fixed-wing transport aircraft
The Senegalese Air Force’s Chief of Air Staff, Brigadier General Birame Diop, expressed his interest to build relations with the Pakistan Air Force
Turkish Aerospace Industries’ General Manager, Temel Kotil, stated that TAI was still aiming to begin test flying the TFX next-generation fighter in 2023
The Nigerian Air Force announced that it received approval from Brazil to procure three used EMB-314 Super Tucano light combat aircraft from Embraer
One of several Turkish-Saudi joint-ventures in defence production – an Aselsan-MIC facility producing Aselsan’s software defined radios – is showing promise
The Pakistan Navy will be hosting a major multi-national naval exercise encompassing more than 35 states from 10-14 February 2017
The consortium behind the Medium Extended Range Air Defence System (MEADS) is offering Turkey help in its long-range surface-to-air missile program
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) General Manager Temel Kotil reportedly said that he was confident of a T-129 attack helicopter sale to Pakistan
The China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics recently revealed the AR-2 small precision-guided air-to-ground missile for CH-series armed drones