Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) launched the Pakistan Navy’s (PN) fourth Azmat-class fast attack craft (missile) – or FAC(M) – on 27 November 2019.
The Ankara Governorate announced that the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has started testing the radar systems of its newly acquired S-400 long-range air defence system.
The South African government blocked the sale of new arms to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and several other countries over a dispute over inspections.
The Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) has begun promoting a variant of the J-10C for export. Designated FC-20E, the product was officially put on display as a mock-up at the 2019 Dubai Air Show.
Satellite images revealed the presence of a radar system, potentially the CETC JY-27A, at the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) M.M Alam Air Base.
Malaysia shortlisted the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex/Aviation Industry Corporation of China JF-17 as one of seven potential fighters for its light combat aircraft competition.
On 14 November 2019, Aselsan announced that it signed a €176.9 m contract with ASFAT A.Ş to supply subsystems for the Pakistan Navy’s MILGEM corvettes.
On 16 November 2019, the Pakistan Navy (PN) announced that the Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi, paid an official visit to Romania. The CNS also visited Damen Shipyards Galati, which constructed the PN’s two forthcoming 2,300-ton corvettes.
Damen Shipyards Group, in collaboration with Delft Dynamics and Next Ocean, has trialled a new approach to search and rescue in the North Sea. The collaboration involved qualification testing of Delft Dynamics RH3 drone (RH-3 Swift), along with a fast rescue boat…
The PNS Alamgir has been in Turkey since 09 November 2019 for a 12-day multinational maritime exercise – designated Operation Mediterranean Shield – in the Aegean Sea.