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Belarus is eager to build its defence relationship with Pakistan


On its four-day trip to Pakistan, a high-level delegation from Belarus made a visit to Pakistan’s Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP). According to a MoDP press release, Belarus is interested in having Pakistan procure a number of its products, particularly its optics technology and military vehicles. It was also eager to form a working group for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV).

It could be an interesting avenue for the Pakistani armed forces. Granted, Belarus is not as large a vendor as China or the U.S., but it has done fairly well in building its expertise in a number of areas, such as radar and electronic warfare (EW) technology. This article will offer a brief overview of Belarus’ defence industry offerings, but with a specific focus on what may be of interest to the Pakistani armed forces.

The leading military electronics firm in Belarus is the KB Radar Design Bureau. The vendor is known for producing very high-frequency (VHF) radars, such as the Vostok 3D radar, which until recent years could provide most countries with good long-range air surveillance coverage. Seeing the limitations of its older generation technology, the KB Radar Design Bureau also began offering an S-band phased-array radar known as the Vostok 3S. The company also offers a low-level X-band radar – the ROSA.

In any case, the firm seems to have a fairly good grasp of radar technology, and that too across a range of applications (e.g. surveillance, self-protection, etc). Pakistan might have an opportunity in Belarus to learn about the technology from a research and development perspective, at the minimum.

The Belarusian Optical and Mechanical Association is a developer and producer of military-grade optical equipment. These include a wide range of sights for use on assault rifles, battle rifles, and sniper rifles. Its portfolio even includes ‘red-dot’ sights. If affordable and effective enough, Pakistan could perhaps acquire them for mass-distribution within the infantry, and that too with licensed domestic manufacturing. Laser designators, night vision devices, and thermal imaging devices are also on offer.

Belarus purportedly assisted Vietnam in the latter’s efforts to develop a high-altitude long-endurance (HALE) UAV. The delegation’s interest in forming a working group on UAV development with Pakistan could be an indication of Belarus wanting to engage in more high-profile and complex UAV programs.

This is merely a cursory glance of possible avenues for cooperation between Belarus and Pakistan. As a general point, it does not hurt to explore opportunities in countries with more focused defence industries. In fact, with the right funding and intent, one may even be able to procure highly valuable expertise in key technological areas. Whether it be Belarus, South Africa, Brazil, Romania, or the Czech Republic, Pakistan ought to thoroughly explore its options.

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  • by Ashi Sidhu
    Posted April 14, 2016 7:31 pm 0Likes

    If Pakistan stopped its terror factory and human rights violations then it could have better access to military technologies
    All that’s now left is countries like Belarus

  • by Mustafa O
    Posted April 14, 2016 7:34 pm 0Likes

    If u stop whining like whores probably south asia will be a more peaceful place to live

  • by Waqas
    Posted April 14, 2016 8:50 pm 0Likes

    Watch some channel other than zee news and see what india is doing in kashmir….fix that first and than give bhashan to others.

  • by saqrkh
    Posted April 15, 2016 4:50 am 0Likes

    The only block to Pakistan’s progress is its corrupt and incompetent leadership.

  • by SP
    Posted April 15, 2016 5:37 am 0Likes

    By leadership I hope that you include top bureaucratic and top military and not just the civilian who are the easy scapegoats for unanswerable govt. servants and vested interests.

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 15, 2016 8:05 am 0Likes

    so now world crowned terrorists by UN and amnesty will also talk of human rights violations. LOL.
    Terrorists and terrorist supporters have no rights. So no, you request is garbaged. Pakistan will make sure that every Hindustani RAW terrorist and his network is broken down, terrorists picked up and brought to media and then taken to military court for due treatment.

    At least it is giving you hindustanis dhoti wetting thousands of miles away. And that is what we are enjoying…

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 15, 2016 8:12 am 0Likes

    please support your statement by providing sufficient or ANY proof to any corruption ever committed by military.

    All the world is doing a conspiracy against Mr. Nawaz Sharif right?
    ab keh dau panama leaks bi conspiracy hay.
    wait for british virgin islands stash to be revealed…

    don’t you see why hindustani’s arses go on instant fire on mere mention of pakistan army and ISI? there is a reason to that and it is not your strong politicians, i think you’d know that already.

    i told you before. learn to speak the truth. you are not answerable to nawaz but to God.

  • by SP
    Posted April 15, 2016 9:25 am 0Likes

    Musharraf is a billionaire. Ayub Khans family is very rich for many future generations. Zia’s ISI chiefs sons are billionaires and industrialists. Many generals have been found involved in corruption but have had cases dropped. An admiral was found quilty of corruption and had to return the loot. Many more cases dont even make to the public eye. DHA CITY and DHA valley.

  • by Ashi Sidhu
    Posted April 15, 2016 9:56 am 0Likes

    search for reuters story on Pakistani property tycoon eyes media move to protect his name
    later the story had to taken down as it said malik riaz had relations with army cheif and paying bribes to ISI officials

  • by Ashi Sidhu
    Posted April 15, 2016 10:09 am 0Likes

    i know everything and i know what is happening in Kashmir

  • by Ashi Sidhu
    Posted April 15, 2016 10:16 am 0Likes

    many of those hanged by military courts are not even terrorists they are charged either of corruption and drugs and other not so serious crimes Pakistan is even outpacing iran Saudi arabia in this matter

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 15, 2016 10:47 am 0Likes

    So now a hindustani has come to defence of convicted terrorists. please tell me why i am not surprised.

    That’s probably because they are uncircumsized hindu terrorists holding fake pakistani passports or similar anti pakistan non pakistani elements. Want me to show you pics from 2005 of hindu looking terrorists? but i think now there’s no need after hindustani raw terrorist catch.

    Don’t preach your hindustani version here.

  • by Muhammad Shahid
    Posted April 15, 2016 10:50 am 0Likes

    Do u also know what’s happening in Manipur? where many of hindustani army soldiers killed by Mao Freedom Fighters? Do u also know about india’s Red Corridor? Do you also know about dozens of freedom movements in hindustan? poor ugly black slumdogs….seems may have little knowledge about Pak but dont know anything about hindustan!!!

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 15, 2016 10:54 am 0Likes

    So being rich is your proof of corruption?
    That’s stupid to even start with.

    You probably don’t even know there’s some level of perks associated with the job at that level (to which you ppl are whining non stop).

    Now i don’t deny some issues at personal level. There’s been a few names here and there (and unlike noonie guys i have courage to accept that), but what i asked you was give me a proof of military as an institution involved from top to bottom in corruption.

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 15, 2016 10:56 am 0Likes

    I think we a have another rape victim of hindustani occupation forces in kashmir.

    May be you should have told them you are a die hard hindustani…

    sorry for your loss.

  • by SP
    Posted April 15, 2016 11:44 am 0Likes

    If govt servants acquire wealth beyond their income and known perks during service and the institution does not catch them then the institution itself is corrupt. There is no way that ordinary middle income govt servants can become billionaires and yet the institution still protects them and wont let anyone hold them to account.

  • by MT
    Posted April 15, 2016 1:12 pm 0Likes

    Pakistan should have at least started basic r&d in radar,optronics and missile technologies

    No country ll share core IP & even if they do so then u need developed institutions of r&d to be able to grasp the technology.

    military tech sharing is only done in bits and pieces. You develop the most on your own but pay Western consultants once u get stuck in some complicated sub system.

    For nation like Pak with limited local research & higher focus on product integration; its hard to bargain technologies at moderate price.

    Pak never bothered to learn knowhow of subsystem from China. Product import/assembly of burraq,burraq, Babur/raad,zaarb,jf17,hj8/bakhtar shikan eats all the military budget leaving no room for indigenous product development.

    Radar product development needs a well established public sector driven industry where you already have developed some things from basics

    Belarus may be good start if it govt is ready to offer them long term sales but is PK ready to buy substandard soviet era radar. Belarus is good in agricultural technologies & I remember them importing Indian built thermal plant for coal energy generation

  • by Sami Shahid
    Posted April 15, 2016 6:28 pm 0Likes

    very interesting news….Belarus have good engineers with super technology…..Pakistan can take a huge advantage from Belarus !

  • by Sami Shahid
    Posted April 15, 2016 6:29 pm 0Likes

    ya ya ya you Indian are always butt hurt…..I don’t know why an extremist indian who is always obsessed with Pakistan is under estimating Belarus !

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 16, 2016 7:17 am 0Likes

    leave it. remain in your bliss and keep putting your head in front of peer nawaz ganj sharif.

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 16, 2016 7:57 am 0Likes

    I’d upvote that a 100 times.

  • by saqrkh
    Posted April 16, 2016 4:00 pm 0Likes

    The whole cut.

  • by jaxtrjin
    Posted April 18, 2016 10:55 am 0Likes

    Politician are corrupt. Everyone wants remove politicians. Ruling party is most corrupt and incompetent.

  • by Shershahsuri
    Posted April 20, 2016 12:40 pm 0Likes

    Sir, can you give us brief detail of SUPARCO programme. Any chance to send a satellite from Pakistan? I do not see any development on this side while this is very vital to Pakistan’s development.

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 20, 2016 3:56 pm 0Likes

    Hi. If you mean specific military grade sat constellation of the likes of GPS or Galileo for example, then there is no such program in existence as of now. Pakistan will continue to rely on Beidou and GPS for its sensitive military needs.

    Pakistan will however launch in coop with China PRSS-01 in 2018 as part of CPEC for remote sensing. Limited military applications with regards to border surveillance and GIS mapping will be installed feature also. This is a confirmed project/launch and CPEC needs will guarantee that.

    This is generally an area where emphasis has been very low. In coming years, Pakistan will find it unavoidable to be without own regional constellation. I think CPEC cooperation and emphasis on gwadar will see pakistan launching few more sats in coming years.

  • by Shershahsuri
    Posted April 21, 2016 2:17 am 0Likes

    thank you Sir.

  • by jigsaww
    Posted April 21, 2016 9:24 am 0Likes


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