Pakistan’s Foreign Office announced that the Pakistan Remote Sensing Satellite (PRSS-01) – and the accompanying PakTES-1A (Pakistan Technology Evaluation Satellite) – will be launched into orbit in July.
Today, the Armed Forces of Pakistan have at least three marquee and indispensable big-ticket weapon systems in the pipeline from China: in 2015, it inked a purchase of eight air-independent propulsion (AIP)-powered submarines; in 2017, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) confirmed that…
Today, the Armed Forces of Pakistan have at least three marquee and indispensable big-ticket weapon systems in the pipeline from China: in 2015, it inked a purchase of eight air-independent propulsion (AIP)-powered submarines; in 2017, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) confirmed that…
Speaking to TRT Haber, the head of Turkey’s Undersecretariat of Defence Industries (SSM) Dr. Ismail Demir stated that Pakistan could sign a contract for Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) T129 ATAK attack helicopters in the coming weeks.
In April 2018, the AFP News Agency published an article detailing its visit to the Mirage Rebuild Factory (MRF) at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC).[1] The complete AFP article is available on Dawn News, but it provides an insight into the MRF’s activities…
This is a review of main and ancillary Pakistani defence news topics along with short-hand analysis to offer clarity and context: Pakistan announced its defence budget for 2018-2019; the Public Sector Development Program’s (PSDP) budget includes an increased budget for the Space…
An analysis of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex’s (PAC) efforts to export the JF-17 Thunder multi-role fighter, specifically in terms of potential calls for offsets, transfer-of-technology and partnerships. Is Pakistan able to offer such concessions?
On April 20, a retired Indian Army officer – Col. Vinayak Bhat – provided a detailed insight of the Pakistan Air Force’s (PAF) new main operating base (MOB), PAF Bholari. Available on The Print, Bhat’s analysis of PAF Bholari surmises that the…
The Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology (NRIET) is integrating its newly-revealed KLJ-7A active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar to the forthcoming JF-17 Block-III. NRIET says that the new AESA radar will provide improved range, target tracking/engagement and jamming-resistance.
This is a review of ancillary Pakistani defence news topics with short-hand analysis to provide clarity and context. In March 2018: 3 Turkish T129 attack helicopters took part at the Pakistan Day Parade; ASELPOD spotted on the JF-17; the JF-17 participating in…