According to an announcement by the Turkish defence contractor Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. (STM) on 28 February, Pakistan has signed the contract to upgrade the Pakistan Navy’s second (of three) Agosta 90B submarines.
This follows an announcement in November 2016 by…
Pakistan’s Minister of Defence Production (MoDP) Rana Tanveer Hussain met with the Ambassadors of Turkey, Ukraine and the Netherlands this past week.
On January 03, the Pakistan Navy announced that it test-fired a new anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) with land-attack capabilities, the “Harba.” The dual-ASCM/land-attack cruise missile (LACM) was fired from an Azmat-class fast attack craft (FAC), the PNS Himmat. Seemingly based on…
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The Pakistani Senate’s Standing Committee on Defence Production called for an expansion to Pakistan’s shipbuilding infrastructure through Gwadar.
This is a continuation of the Quwa Premium articles discussing the Pakistani defence industry, specifically its inability to produce a domestic marketplace to which the Pakistani armed forces and foreign customers can consult, its nascent private sector activity and the steps Pakistan…
Constructing a Domestic Marketplace of Products
One of the drawbacks of nascent private sector activity in the defence industry, especially in new product development, is that Pakistan lacks a domestic marketplace to consult for its requirements. Thus, each of the service arms…
The DoD has awarded a $3.1 million contract to General Dynamics-OTS Inc. to supply A/A49E-7(V4) gun turrets for Pakistan’s AH-1Z Viper
Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik (STM) is proposing a modified MILGEM design in the CF3500 frigate for the Colombian Navy
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) launched a 600-ton Maritime Patrol Vessel (MPV) for the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency for sea trials.