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Pakistan reportedly aiming to export another 100 Super Mushshak
Pakistan’s Minister of Defence Production (MoDP) Rana Tanveer Hussain was recently quoted by local media (The Nation, Dunya News) outlining Pakistan Aeronautical Complex’s (PAC) plans to export 100 new Super Mushshak trainers.
Coming off a spate of successful sales to Nigeria, Qatar, and Turkey (which accounts for PAC’s single largest Super Mushshak sale at 52 units), PAC is talks to sell Super Mushshaks to Azerbaijan and the Maldives.
Mr. Hussain added that the JF-17 multi-role fighter will also secure overseas sales in 2017.
The Super Mushshak is a significantly upgraded variant of the Saab MFI-17 Supporter, which was assembled from knockdown kits in Pakistan in the 1980s.
In 1995, PAC began developing an indigenously manufactured version of the Supporter. The Super Mushshak is powered by a Lycoming IO-540 260 hp engine, which powers a two-bladed propeller from Hartzell.
PAC rolled out its first Super Mushshak in November 2000 and in May 2001, it conducted the Super Mushshak’s maiden test flight. Since then, the Super Mushshak has been procured by many overseas users.
by jamshed_kharian_pak
Ir Pakistan’s MFI-395 Super Mushshak trainers export is a mark of prestige for our rising armament Industry, to reach at least 1% of worlds Arms Business income work need to be done on war footing
by Shakeel
It will be interesting to see how PAC adapts itself in the next phase of MFI-395 development.Will we remain complacent or invest in R&D for a newer variations which remain internationally competitive.
At present PAC in well positioned to take a lead role in both the domestic & export markets.. There is no room for complacency. Build on your success.
by Steve
Agree with Shakeel. Time to look at a light attack version for COIN for countries who cannot afford jets. Also consider upgrades/newer version to make it comparable to Pilatus PC-9. Look into manufacturing engine too. We cannot rest on current commercial success forever. Got to keep moving and innovating. Some money into R&D is needed. More importantly a mindset to NOT accept mediocrity and stagnation. We are a newly industrialising country. The sky is the limit!
by Ahmad Shah Durrani
Pakistan should have opted to build K-8 Karakorum rather than MFI-395 Mushshak which would have provided more benefits to the Pakistan’s defence industry.
by Steve
These are very different aircraft with very different roles. It is not an case of building one and not the other. Both aircraft are hugely successful with many countries operating both. We have of course built both aircraft for decades which are listed on PAC website, though Hongdu is the main contractor for K8.