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Pakistan deploys new patrol boats to Gwadar
The Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) has deployed its two newly received 600-ton Maritime Patrol Vessels (MPVs) to the Gwadar deep-sea port.
The PMSS Hingol (1070) and PMSS Basol (1071) were commissioned on 11 December 2016 in Guangzhou, China. Throughout the month, the two ships made port calls to several countries, such as Indonesia and Sri Lanka, on their way home to Pakistan.
Pakistan ordered four 600-ton and two 1500-ton MPVs from China Shipbuilding Trading Company in June 2015. Of the six ships, one of each type will be built at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW).
Notes & Comments:
As per KSEW, the 600-ton – i.e. Hingol-class – MPV is 68 metres in length. Its four engines can offer a top speed of 27 knots (i.e. 50 km/h). The 1500-ton MPV is 95 metes in length, but its two engines are capable of a top speed of 26 knots, i.e. nearly identical to the Hingol-class. Both MPV models are to be armed with a main gun, potentially either 37 mm or 30 mm as per IHS Jane’s.
KSEW’s illustration of the Hingol-class appears to showcase a flight deck sufficient for a single small utility helicopter, but the illustrations shown by China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC) – CSTC’s manufacturing arm – are less clear on this issue. The 1500-ton MPV, which could be modelled from the P18N design sold to Nigeria, should be large enough to readily maintain a helicopter flight deck.
The Hingol-class MPVs will support the maritime end of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)’s security efforts. In December, Pakistan formed a unit – Task Force-88 (TF-88) – to spearhead these efforts. TF-88 will comprise of “ships, Fast Attack Craft, aircraft, drones, and surveillance assets.” If the MPVs are joining TF-88, then it would appear that TF-88 will be an inter-organizational force, albeit between the Pakistan Navy and PMSA.
by Steve
Important to note these are PMSA and not PN. Seem to be capable but very lightly armed. What happens if they come across a pirate mother ship firing RPG if boarding attempted, and have to take it out? Should we not add a optimum sensible AShM solution and a CIWS particularly in the bigger ships. Organisationally it can sit in TF-88 so training and operations would fall under PN. If there is conflict IN will try to sink these just as PN vessels hence CIWS. Naval experts can enlighten! Pretty ships though.
by bill
MSA ships internationally are lightly armed as there role is of general security just like rangers/border security force but in real war scenario these ships shall not be deployed in warfare zone. They may prove to be beneficial against smugglers/intruders but not against IN.
by Steve
So I suppose if there is a pirate mother ship scenario they will just have to run or try to deal with it with the small guns they have. Or maybe call PN and wait for 6-12 hours for them to arrive. Does not instill much confidence.
by helpful friend
I am worried about Pakistan navy
by Syed
Looks like a pleasure boat for coast guard,go crabbing and bring the family
by Sami Shahid
These vessels are equipped with machine guns…no need to worry and the security personnel might also have been equipped with RPG’s.
by Sami Shahid
Steve, you don’t need to worry. These are actually Multi-purpose vessels to counter all sorts of crime in the sea. Gwadar is being developed and in the future many foreign criminals will try to enter Gwadar ill legally so you cant counter crime with a frigate and small fast boats cant travel so long in the sea. They are short range boats but these vessels can travel at a longer distance.
by Sami Shahid
These Multi-purpose vessels were very important for Pakistan but navy should also get few light attack gun ship helicopters.