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India in talks with Russia for Su-30MKI spare parts manufacturing

In tandem with a logistics hub for the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) Su-30MKI fleet, New Delhi is in talks with Moscow to bring domestic spare parts manufacturing to India, Sputnik News and IHS Jane’s report.

As per Sputnik News, India and Russia are close to signing an deal to establish a logistics hub at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) which, in August 2016, was thought to have been valued at USD $200 million.

The hub, which is to be a long-term agreement with Russia, is to help identify and secure spare parts for the IAF’s 200+ strong Su-30MKI fleet, so as to ensure that a 70-75%+ operational rate is maintained for India’s workhorse multi-role fighter.

As per IHS Jane’s, negotiations are underway to enable HAL to domestically manufacture 322 Su-30MKI line replaceable units (LRU), thus guaranteeing that India’s Flanker fleet will benefit from an indigenously sourced supply channel (with the efficiency wrought from the logistics hub).

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  • by GhalibKabir
    Posted January 10, 2017 2:55 am 0Likes

    Long overdue step and should help the availability rate of the Flanker.

  • by GhalibKabir
    Posted January 10, 2017 3:33 am 0Likes

    Complete ToT will always be a mirage, else for the money we pay Russia/France/Israel would have given us critical engine technologies like Single Crystal Blade long ago..

    Like ISRO/IGMDP, even if we use older tech, the only way we gain a measure of respect and self reliance is when we develop/reverse engineer ourselves. Cryogenic Engine is an example and so are the efforts at Ramjet development.

  • by Steve
    Posted January 10, 2017 11:07 am 0Likes

    60% availability is pretty bad. That’s good for adversaries though as they has got to plan for just over half of flankers available at any one time. Don’t know if Russia will do this though as it will lose them leverage to earn yet more money. Nobody wants to give up critical tech. The fine print in the agreement will be interesting.

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