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IDEF 2017: Havelsan will showcase simulator for the TAI T-129 ATAK
Havelsan will showcase its simulator system for the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) T-129 ATAK attack helicopters at the International Defence Industry Fair (IDEF), which will take place in Istanbul in May.
As per Havelsan, the T-129 simulator system comprises of two simulator systems: one for learning to use the T-129’s flight and avionics systems, and another to manage its weapon systems. Havelsan developed the simulators to match with real-world conditions as closely as possible. Contributing aspects include the use of satellite images, 3D models, environmental challenges and technical malfunctions.
Using the simulator, pilots will become familiar with the ATAK’s cockpit, helmet-mounted display system, electro-optical and infrared sensor pod and countermeasures suite. The system also simulates the ATAK’s weapons suite, which comprises of the UMTAS anti-tank guided missile, Cirit laser-guided rocket, 20 mm gun, unguided rockets and Stinger air-to-air missiles.
Collectively, these attributes are designed to both acclimate pilots to the T-129 as well as prepare them for potential challenges. Both simulators will be marketed together as one package.
Havelsan is Turkey’s leading manufacturer of simulator systems, particularly for aircraft. The company’s HELSİM platform is responsible for the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) with simulators for Cougar and Black Hawk transport and utility helicopters. Havelsan also has simulator suites for the Leonardo AW139 utility helicopter, Lockheed Martin F-16 and F-4-2000 Phantom, among other applications.
Pakistan is among Havelsan’s customers. In 2012, Havelsan signed a memorandum-of-understanding with the Pakistan armed forces on the development and supply of simulator systems to the Pakistan Army and Pakistan Air Force. Havelsan is also supporting Pakistan in its development of C4I [Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence] systems. The latest transaction from the company was by the Pakistan Navy for a Naval Integrated Command and Control Suite for the Agosta 90B submarine upgrade program.
by Aman
Bilal Which attack helicopter carries most ATGM ?
Please Reply !!!!
by Aaif khan
Havelsan Roketsan Aselsan Meteksan Aspilsan Desan Dearsan
Pretty cute names.
by Aaif khan
Can someone provide me a comparison between UMTAS and U.S JAVELIN ATGM?
which is more better? Can UMTAS be fired from shoulder? If Not, than is the shoulder fire variant is in Development?
by Superior Shakeel
Apache can carry upto 16 ATGM in Quadpacks of four and upto 20 if you mount a quad pack on it’s belly though it has never been done because nobody needed that and doing this would require some extra R&D.
though if customer is so willing to have this capability it can be done at little expense.
So yeah 20 ATGM is pretty much maximum I’m sure of though never underestimate the Russians to come up with some Heavy behemoth monstrosity of a gunship to that after all lest we forget after US made MOAB the Russian made the FOAB that was a thermobaric bomb with 3 times more explosive power than that of MOAB in short it was as powerful as a small scale nuclear device.
by Hasan Onur Duygan
“san” is abrreviation for “Sanayi” in turkish its meaning is İndustries, as for aselsan it works like this ASkeri ELektronik SANayi . ASELSAN-Military Electronic İndustries
by Aaif khan
Ah1z can also carry upto 16 ATGM. Interesting to note that Superior shakeel as usual forgets about ah1z chosen by Pakistan army and as usual seems to be more interested in Indian platform. apache. Some peoples are obsess with fake names and they are mainly found in India. Dont forget to see the attachment https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8c4c8f02af181b33192671201c8cab61d83b08f307504ce0e8f2dd4681782e33.png
by Superior Shakeel
Im sorry do we know each other???
This is literally the first time we are interacting and this is literally the first time I’m talking about the Apache Gunship on top of that I wasn’t even addressing you.
First read the question.
The question is which helicopter can carry maximum ATGM it doesn’t say anything about them being Inducted by Pak army or not or does it?
Had it been that I would have answered accordingly I’m here for pure knowledge transaction instead of blind jingoism and army worshipping.
Also Apache does carry 20 ATGM which ah 1z does not and since 20>16 so yeah.
also Pakistan is yet to receive any Ah1z and with the Trump administration in office you never know even if receive them or not or maybe we would have to pay the entire 982 million $ military aid we got for this deal you never know considering the extreme anti Muslim view of trump and especially Steve bannon(go read up on that guy).
by Aman
First you need to know how USA works=
Look shakeel Either it’s Obama administration or trump administration
Steve Banon or Jared kushner , John kerry or Rex tillerson
Democrat or Republican it’s dosen’t matter at all –
They do what the CIA wants ……..
Look how Trump has Changed hahahahahahahahahhahahaha!!!!!!
by Aman
Good Job!!!!!!
by Aman
1- In my opinion UMTAS seems better than JAVELIN
because shoulder launched are lighter than those of fired from a platform
and thus the Shoulder launched ATGM carries less warhead .
And UMTAS has range upto 8000 meters while Javelines range has been extended to 4750 meter.
2- UMTAS will be competitor to AGM-114 Hellfire
So I don’t think shoulder launch version will come any soon.
by Superior Shakeel
Yeah right just because It’s that way in Pakistan does not mean it’s same everywhere US president holds a lot of power he can single handidly sanction any nation or do missile or drone strikes or start a war.
If you really believe that then sorry I can’t help you also CIA does not make military policy the Pentagon does and Pentagon then briefs president and white house and I tell then what they want and then the USSECDEF and POTUS and the administration decides finally what to do.
Military is not God in every country ya know us bloody civilians also run show in some places ya know.
And as someone who worked for US CENTCOM I know where US policy is formulated and where it does not.
by Aman
We saw what happened with Nixon & JFK.
Donald trump was saying that he strike missiles in Iraq.
I mean he wasn’t even aware where tomahawk missiles were fired. I can write a whole book on How USA works.
by Aaif khan
No. Its not about lighter warhead. The ability to fire from shoulder gives the shoot and scoot capability. It also gives logistical advantages. With convenience of firing from shoulder With no trails of smoke and with the fire and forget capability it require only one or two person to go into camouflage hit the targets an back to safe. this capability requires more sophisticated technology. And hellfire is particularly a air to surface missile.
If my memory serves me well i can recall that air version of Umtas will have a range of 20 to 30 km.
Turkey wanted to buy javelin But U.S declined to sell and now they are being supplied to anti Turks PYD in Syria and Iraq
by Superior Shakeel
So what exactly happened with JFK I’m surprised you know this global mystery and here we wondered only way to know the JFK secret was to become the POTUS himself.
Donald Trump is a person that has ADHD and partial dementia he doesn’t know what he’s saying half of the time for crying out loud he is 76 that is quite old my grandfather is already pretty senile and forgetful and he isn’t even 64 yet .
Also even if he doesn’t remember the correct name he still fired the missile his bad memory didn’t stop him from firing missile which if you ask anyone makes him much more dangerous doesn’t it?
But how does that have to do with US democratic system is beyond me?
would you care to elaborate or write a book about it? How Trump’s memory is related to US democratic system.
Or are you going to still give a superficial running commentary on how US works without going into detail whatsoever.
Do yourself a favour and go look up the actual US government system and how it is run and who makes the policy and what is the role of executive branch before telling the whole world CIA runs the US government.
by Aaif khan
I was actually addressing my friend Aman.
In Islam Army which calls to struggle for the cause of God cannot be separated from people. In the light of above call there is no difference between the duty of ordinary citizens and army. The duty of citizens is same as the army. Because this basically a form of worship.
In short the above context can be define in a single word ‘Jihad who’s responsibilty is laid upon every individuals and not only on the people’s who have joined an armed forces.
So its not about worshipping army. Its about common duty that has been assigned to every individuals. Not just one institution. And if army violates any of the scared provision than take a stand
by Aman
I think It’s out of your capacity so i should shut my mouth !!!!!