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STM selects Havelsan to help support Pakistan Agosta 90B upgrade
C4 Defence reports that Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. (STM) awarded Turkish defence electronics vendor Havelsan a contract to supply a Naval Integration Command and Control System for the Pakistan Navy’s Agosta 90B submarine upgrade program.
As per C4 Defence, the contract was signed on 27 December, 2016.
This is Havelsan’s first time supplying underwater solutions for a foreign user.
Notes & Comments:
STM won the bid to upgrade the Pakistan Navy’s three Agosta 90B submarines in June 2016. As per Turkish officials, the value of the contract was USD $350 million. As the principal contractor, STM is responsible for selecting subsystem vendors to equip the Khalid-class submarine.
In October, STM selected Airbus Defence and Space to provide the SERO 250 periscope and OMS 200 optronic mast. In November, STM selected Aselsan’s ARES-2SC/NS electronic support measures system.
The specific designation of Havelsan’s solution (for the Agosta 90Bs) was not disclosed. The company does have several new-generation subsystems in development, including a new combat management system and command and control system for the Turkish Navy’s forthcoming Type 214s. It is not clear if these will coincide with the Pakistani program. Considering that the original STM press release notes that it would take 45 months to deliver the first upgraded Agosta 90B, it is possible (assuming that this is not a typo) that the long lead time is accounting for Havelsan’s development cycle.
STM is also working to sell four MILGEM warships to the Pakistan Navy, it hopes to secure a final contract in 2017. STM is also pitching its FAC-55 design for the Pakistan Navy’s need for four to six fast attack crafts, which may be destined for the Navy’s newly raised Task Force-88 unit.
by Hashim Rasheed
45 months for the first upgraded submarine. It seems that the Pakistani subs are going to be the testing grounds for Turkish naval systems
by Bilal Khan
I wonder if these systems will also end up on some (if not all) of the Chinese submarines. STM will be upgrading the Agosta 90Bs at KSEW, thereby providing KSEW with expertise to integrate and manage these subsystems. Considering standardization would simplify training and logistics, extending the same suite to the Chinese submarines would make sense.
by Hashim Rasheed
I believe the Chinese submarines will have the latest of their technology, with it being comparable to the Turkish sub-systems. If not, Pakistan could integrate these systems on the Chinese subs as well. However, the question is whether any of the new or current submarines of the PN are equipped with the ability to launch missiles. As per a previous article, Pakistan is currently developing such a system for its surface ships. Is there any report for such capability on the submarines?
by Bilal Khan
In all likelihood the Chinese submarines will have tubes large enough for SLCMs.
by DB100-SM2
45 months also coincides with the development phase of several submarine launched Turkish missiles. E.g. the ATMACA Anti-ship missile and the Gezgin Submarine launched cruise missile. Is Pakistan interested in replacing the Exocet SM39?
by Steve
Bilal can you please do an article on Pakistan anti ship missiles at some stage, both air, surface, and submarine launched, that is if you have now done one recently. Cheers
by sam
it is sophisticated systems, it can not be done in a year or two,
and the system contracted, has already been in use in Turkish navy submarines
you should wonder, why on earth only few countries can build or upgrade submarines