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U.S. Department of Defense orders nine additional AH-1Z for Pakistan
06 April 2016
By Bilal Khan
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) awarded a $170 million U.S. contract to Bell Helicopters to produce nine AH-1Z Viper dedicated attack helicopters for the Pakistan Army.
The AH-1Z Viper is the latest iteration of the AH-1W Super Cobra, which in turn is a heavier twin-engine variant of the venerable AH-1 Cobra. The AH-1Z was designed to meet the emerging needs of the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC).
The AH-1Z also shares a high level of parts commonality (exceeding 80%) with the UH-1Y Venom utility helicopter, which itself is a distant descendant of the UH-1 Huey.
This sale is a component of a near-$1 billion U.S. Foreign Military Sale (FMS) agreement from April 2015 to sell up to 15 AH-1Zs alongside 1000 AGM-114R Hellfire-II anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) to Pakistan. In August 2015, DoD contracted Bell to produce the first two AH-1Z.
It is unclear if this is in addition to the two already ordered (totaling 11 aircraft), or if it is a revision of the purchase with a provision for seven additional Vipers. Either way, it is apparent that Pakistan is pursuing the sale in stages, which are likely contingent on its funding capacity.
Even though it is evaluating the CAIC Z-10 Fierce Thunderbolt and has expressed interest in the Mil Mi-28NE Night Hunter, it is evident that Pakistan is committed to its AH-1Z order.
The nine (potentially initial) AH-1Zs on order are slotted for delivery to Pakistan by August 2018, which is still far considering the Army’s current attack helicopter needs, which are being driven by its operations in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).
Moreover, Pakistan’s limited financial means and its tenuous relationship with the U.S. will likely limit its ability to build a notably large AH-1Z fleet, hence its interest in the Mi-28NE and Z-10.
That said, using the AH-1Z will offer the Pakistan Army an excellent insight into the capabilities of a high-quality system, which can serve as valuable experience for use on tailoring a more ‘sanction-proof’ and financially accessible aircraft, such as the Z-10. Furthermore, the costs it has incurred to induct these AH-1Z will almost certainly push the Army to request additional AH-1Z over the long-term.
It will also be worth seeing if the Pakistan expresses interest in the UH-1Y, which could potentially be bought to replace the Army’s oldest UH-1 Huey utility helicopters. The UH-1Y’s high level of commonality with the AH-1Z should make such an acquisition a relatively smooth process, at least from a financial and maintenance standpoint.
by SP
India buys 15 chinooks and 22 apache for 3 billion with US helping them to produce parts in India with the plan to produce all the helicopters in India and to export them in the future. We pay 1 billion for 15 helicopters which by the time of delivery could be sanctioned and no TOT.
We would have been better at striking a deal with Russia or China with some TOT to Pakistan.
Indian helicopter purchases are aimed at fighting Pakistan in Kashmir and perhaps aimed at quickly trying to catch territory before Pakistan can react in sufficient force, perhaps part of the cold start doctorine. Pakistan needs to counter Indian arms buildup.
by jigsaww
I believe the reports are saying contract of 15 to be completed by 2018 september.
It seems PA is moving towards deploying a fleet of 100 gunships comprising 30 Z-10 (could increase), 15 AH1Z, 20 AH1F, 20 Mi-35, and 20 Mi-28, which is a complicated mix but need of the time.
Z-10 will also be used in high altitude areas and AH1F, AH1Z, Mi-35, and Mi-28 will be used for remaining COIN ops and to regular ground support.
by jigsaww
Coldstart is not a problem anymore. PA does not need to mobilize a single gunship or tank to counter coldtart. Nasr gives PA 24/7 in-theatre response to any possible surprise adventures before they even initiate.
Starting a coldstart will be easy. Coming out of it in one piece will be a nightmare for bhartis and Bharti military know this very well, no matter what their “janta” is led to believe.
by Smoking a Tejas
In today’s Overcharged Nuclear hair trigger environment, its a dead concept. What you’re really gearing up for are small, localized asymmetric engagements and acts by non state actors. And Pakistan;s conventional abilities are not as weak as some would like us to believe. Nothing hones you like practice and we are very experienced in the art of War.
by wheeleuss
Z-10 in high altitude areas… cosidering they are underpowered, I doubt very much!
5 type seems a bit eterogeneus … isn’t it?
Anyway Ah-1z is a great choice even if expensive one. Uh1Y would be the right complement
by jigsaww
It’s a known problem and is being worked out. Z-10 is not a finished product as of now. It will not enter service in an unfit state.
The official stated service ceiling is 6400 m. Wait for improvements to finish.
by MT
usa is arming pakistani with bill $ of free weapons while pak army continue to facilitate afgan taliban.
india should make it clear to usa that doling out free weapon to pak for its overt support in terrorism make usa complicit in terror mafia business
by MT
pak haven’t paid a single $ from pocket to buy any American weapons in last 15 yrs.
35bill $ usa doles have given massive military funding to pak armed forces while india pays hard cash to buy American weapons at exorbitant rates
by MT
indian case is very simple. any nuke strike against indian army ll result into Massive retaliation.
indian cold start is result of pak punjab terrorist group targeting india.
if pak don’t shut down camps of LeT & jaish then it must be prepared for proactive doctrine
by MT
z10 is truly zunk helicopter openly admitted by cheeni state media
by Kashif Younis
Your pride of massive retaliation will fly with dust particles and with smoke in.air. pak army is not a fool too see your massive retaliation like silent spectator. Pakistan army does possess the ability to destroy india in first nuclear strike. Forget about your massive retaliation
by MT
bla bla bla
.kidooss.. india hve saved nuke stockpiles of 2000bombs which can be turned into nukes with in few days.
As I repeat again pak must shut down all 100 +《punjabi terrorist camps which ll keep the peace in subcontinent
by Majha sajha
Every item Pakistan gets from u s a these days is indirectly somewhat subsidised by India.
Clever Pakistan….Moaning India or ?
by MT
good for pakistan but it has kept ur country crippled with terrorism.
pak army have to deliver taliban on table over next 12months. so u might end up facing military sanction if u fail to deliver given these weapons ll b coming 2 yrs later
by Majha sajha
U are correct,India do have 2000 n bombs.1000 I counted in your KUTIYA.Right ?.
by SP
Indian Army has not fought for and provided logistics to US for nearly 30 years and neither has India suffered blowback like Pakistani nation has.
by MT
fissile material worth 2000 bombs &, china have for more than 6000bombs but they are back up during wartime
by MT
true pak army have strengthened taliban & increased their capabilities by providing them safe heaven &; deciding who the next pawn ll lead afghan taliban
by SP
The US needs to answer for making a poverty stricken country into a regional bully and centre of terrorist training just so that the US may use to further its agenda, before dumping it again.
by SP
Pakistan is through with the US but now India needs to get ready to pay its pound of flesh to the US for showing interest in poverty stricken India.
by MT
pak army ll never give up taliban. so they ll always keep providing their services firt few billion.
india has an independent policy. I do not see india allying with usa for American benefits.
by jigsaww
What are you waiting for?
These hindustani balls don’t have the juice.
You can only perform internet barks.
Hindustani case is dismissed to garbage. GFYS.
by MT
pak is hub of terror camps with 1000 camps including 200 punjabi terrorist camps targeting india iran afghanistan
world knows where laden haqani and mulkaht omar lived.
by jigsaww
World also knows where uncircumsized hindu terrorists with fake passport IDs are caught.
Keep pimping for them. That is the only purpose of your shitty life.
by MT
we ll continue to brand pak as hub of terrorism.
no country minus china take pak seriously
everyone knows that mullah omar laden & haqanni wre state guest of pak.
we showed you in 1971. Dare to repeat mumbai kind of attack & pak may lose sindh, balochistan
by jigsaww
Guess no body gives a rat’s ass about indian whining. Loser.
by jigsaww
Yeah? the cheeni media your mummy runs every day at dinner table?
by MT
nobody believe ur lies.
sunni grp/jundullah/ taliban abducted that businessman & handed over to Their master ISI.
why would a raw agent carry passport while intruding illegally into pak??
Hard for madrassa mind to understand such frivolous propaganda
by jigsaww
Who gives a rat’s ass about hindustani whining. lol.
Hindustani propaganda is like low budget movies…keep at it.
by Kashif Younis
Where was the power of india in kargil war
Why did you not dare cross border in 2001 stand off
by jigsaww
He was carrying fake IDs and passports, recovered all from his possession. Hindustani gov issued fake passport for him branding him as a muslim…these are the people you pimp for.
He is a terrorist and is going to be hanged and so will be the other hindu terrorists.
you’ll have to make this excuse 1000 times more.
by Kashif Younis
Pakistan will defeat in war
by Kashif Younis
by MT
pak ll never get away until it destroy those terror camps.
india ll stall talks if pak don’t hand us over azhar masood & hafiz saeed
by jigsaww
In order to complete the war on terror, Pakistan army also needs to destroy the terrorist country of Hindustan.
I believe this is what Pakistan army means by taking this battle to its logical end.
There are no talks between Pakistan and Apes. Keep dreaming
by MT
fake passport of shia to live in shia country .he was working in friendly country to protect chabhahar port interest.
sunni grp abducted him with his bag which had his passport & handed over to Isi masters.
isi simply targeting india iran port.
he was abducted from chabhahar side of iran & abducted to afghan side balochistan via sunni rebel
by SP
Poverty stricken country that has the highest number of people living in poverty but wants to become a regional power must sell itself and get ready to be used by the US.
by MT
iran ll bust isi lies & this abduction of indian ll be dealt severely
expect raw to pick up one of ur ISI colonel from nepal
by jigsaww
We’ll keep exposing Hindustan’s terrorist face. You can keep lying and keep making stories.
More hindu terrorists are on the way to be caught. Prepare your script.
by Kashif Younis
Pakistan will defeat india
by jigsaww
You mean RAW will kidnap some poor nepali from bhutan and take an interview with him in nepali and show him as a Pakistani.
Yeah right. Go on. We’ve seen that in 26/11 drama. Nothing new.
by jigsaww
by jigsaww
Pakistan will roast hindustani military with American weapons. Good riddance.
by MT
baloch minister & Ispr location abt that businessman contradictory
one says pak iran balochistan & other says pak afghanistan balochistan.
both location are 800-1000km apart
by jigsaww
no body said it would be easy to digest for hindustan and that bhartis wont make some twisted stories to show their innocence.
It’s not working. Tch tch.
by MT
it ll capture pak Embassy isi official from nepal & show him to be illegal spy in India.
pak army knows it.
iran ll throw smug once they confirm to his abduction by pak sunni terrorist & isi pawns
by jigsaww
Thanks for accepting Hindustan is a country of liars. All ops are false flag and based on lie.
Nothing new for world though.
by MT
The contradictory message are available on pak news portel
by MT
we didn’t ask u to abduct a businessman from iran.
even an illegal immigrant don’t cross border ll passport
by SP
Why buy weapons at exorbitant rate when there will be no war and when 717 million Indians are living on 200 or less rupees per day.
by Smoking a Tejas
The problem with this scenario is that everyone assumes its going to be “limited”. Would anyone like to bet on exactly what limited is going to be? And proactive doctrine is already underway so its not like there’s any more India can do except pucker up.
by Smoking a Tejas
Yeah I know India’s really doing well on the International front. The selfies aren’t generating the same vibes and you get vetoed in the UNSC. And with all the bluster, there’s not much fire considering how your elites got their backsides handed to them in Pathankot. Anti terrorists ops aren’t like dusting crops Boy, they’re a lot more difficult than trolling on the web.
by jigsaww
Case against Hindustani terrorism is built at national, international, and UN level. Filthy bharti face being exposed. Of course, you need to whine now and lie. Tha’s understandble.
You people are shameful to extend support to a hindustani terrorist who has been involved in terrorism in pakistan.-
This is why i have said many times, no matter what proof is provided to hindustan and pakistan goes to whatever extents, hindustan will never stop to damage pakistan.
Actually it does not matter what a hindustani says.
What needs to be done is being done.
by jigsaww
There is no contradiction. The official statement has been released from ISPR. That is the source.
Of course hindustan had to do some face saving by fabricating statements. You can ask aliens to post a contradictory message of him being picked up in another solar system, that will not make the truth questionable.
by jigsaww
leave pakistan. you tell how much are you paid to lie all day long about pakistan?
where is your shame if you ever had one?
by Ashi Sidhu
india is not a country which can be rented out like pak by free weaponry and oil from US and saudi arabia india never supported Soviet union for any invasion despite being ally and indian defence minister refused to conduct joint indo US patrols in south china sea
unlike Pakistan India has enough guts to say no to super powers
by Ashi Sidhu
now we have muslim enemy no. 1 RSS’s PM Modi if pak doesn’t stop its jihadis then brace yourselves for a Israel like response to ur terror factory
by Ashi Sidhu
it is true coldstart is ruled out due to danger of nuclear escalation but that doesn’t stop indian army and airforce to conduct anti terror ops in pak occupied Kashmir infact its only a political decision
by jigsaww
Let me correct you.
Coldstart is not ruled out as a doctrine itself in Hindustani military, it has just been rendered ineffective by Pakistani tactical and strategic response to it. It’s not that Bharti military simply gave it up one day in love of peace, rather it was forced to be unable to implement it by Pakistani response to it. Bharat is still toying with the idea by future acquisition of QR SAMS SAMs to neutralize Nasr in tactical theatre, which is why Akash has been dropped (for being slow and largely ineffective) by hindustani army in favor of newer and imported quick reaction missiles, most likely Israeli. When such a system is in place in tactical theatre, hindustan will start hue and cry about going coldstart again. Pakistan knows this and Nasr is being improved to carry suitable response to it by increased speed, range, accuracy, and multiple warheads. Miniaturization is on going. I’ve given you too much info, but you stand corrected.
The second part of your argument is actually more of a fantasy than a reality. It’s actually stems as an alternative to your first point of coldstart. I take it as that you are a civilian boy of hindustan hence such statements are expected from you. This is a military forum and on that front, hindustani military known where it stands to ever risk exercising that move. It’s not possible boy regardless of what you’ve been led to believe in your media. Hindustan dare not exercise it anymore than in its minds and fantasies.
by jigsaww
Too much impressed with Israel, are you not? You don’t have USA on your back, so tread with care. Pakistan will not think twice about punishing the Hindu army. Take it as a fact.
Pakistan’s response has already started to Hindustani terror factory owners and trainers with capture of hindustani terrorist in Pakistan.
Where is your response?
It’s nice to hear you saying truth once in a while. Modi sure is a RSS terrorist and a hater.
by jigsaww
Well fabricated, though the reason is that Hindustan is a country no one cares about except for getting low cost cheap labor. throughout its history, hindustan has been absent in every world changing event whereas pakistan has been present and world powers have come to it.
Pakistan did not go to china, china came to pakistan for CPEC.
Pakistan did not go to saudia, saudia came to pakistan to lead 34 nation alliance repeatedly.
Pakistan did not go to US. US came to pakistan to make it major non NATO ally in war on terror and before that in afghan war.
I can understand your loneliness. hindustan is like that crippled ugly boy in class that no one comes to talk to, mouth off to…until hindustan started mending shoes and socks of other boys in the class to gain some attention.
didn’t they teach you the history right about Hindustani role in going to all extents in soviets in afghan war? i guess they just exclude hindustani failures from text books in bharat. RAW was hand in hand working with KGB and soviet military although. it was russians that didn’t allow RAW more space. read about it.
Also, hindustani yankie slavery has just started. With signing of BECA, CISMOA, and LSA agreements, hindustan will be a physical slave to US.
by Ashi Sidhu
Oh actually modi the terrorist received the highest civilian honour from your slavemaster Saudi Arabia
by Ashi Sidhu
Don’t worry we , and your slavemasters US are going to snatch away this toy after IMF declares u bankrupt
by jigsaww
Aray bhai, its business. you get so serious on everything. It doesn’t mean a thing for saudi elite, it’s all business to them.
They need to sell their oil to Hindustan and their economy is crumbling, ARAMCO is getting sold, national bonds are being sold, taxes are on cards in UAE and saudia. they’ve gotten themself into a political and economic mess by starting yemen and syria episodes.
HIndustan will be the first to carry out terrorism in Saudia.
Let them learn this the hard way. Like you say, hindustan is a muslim hater and that too a sunni country? doesn’t look like a love story.
Though this would be the first time a convicted terrorist (Modi) is being decorated with an award. Something to be proud of for bhartis. Modi’s hardwork paid off.
by jigsaww
You have it all figured out, don’t you? lol.
by MT
Nasr is low qty cheeni import.any of qsram,barak8 ll intercept it
by MT
1 country is supporting globally terrorist group.
China is probably most hated country in asia. They ll end up destroying whatever little credibility they have
Azhar masood was released after Isi sleuths, Pak terrorist hijacked an Indian airline from Nepal & took help of Taliban to get him released.
All country including Saudi Iran treat azhar masood global terrorist. He is an isi & army pawn so China save him
by MT
Pak was humiliated & repudiated by world in kaRGIL.
POST 2002 WE forced Pak to admit it sponsors & harbors terrorist camps in Pak Punjab,POK
So diplomatic branding of Pak as terrorist state did more damage than war
India ll continue to spoil pak image in world
by jigsaww
Throwing back at me what you learn from me?
by MT
Iran nailed ur lies. German agency have evidence of Pak Isi communication with Sunni GRP who helped abduct Indian from iran
Read some news from your print media. Pak have infuriated Iran
Lately entire world community hve rebuked the contorted propaganda of ISPR.
by MT
Ask cheen to sell Pak better MBRL
by MT
ISPR & Baluchi interior ministry failed to lie properly
by jigsaww
It’s not their speciality. It’s something Hindustani government and hindustani nation can do properly. That should explain.
by jigsaww
It’s not an MBRL..phudo singh.
Educate yourself on tactical theatre systems first.
by @bla bla
Any thing on Damocles (targeting pod) ?`
by jigsaww
Pakistan will take every country to task that has been involved directly or indirectly in supporting terrorism against Pakistan. This is a warning to Iran as well though to kick out hindustani agents and take action on Pakistani demands. They will cooperate with Pakistan. Hindustani only knows how to fabricate and use other countries.
Despite trying for decades, Hindustan has failed in turning Iran against Pakistan.
The next step is join coop between Iran and Pakistan to point out and pick up Hindustani agents from both Iran and Pakistani soil, then bring them to international attention, expose hindustan’s terrorist face and shut down its terrorist activities in Pakistan.
Today’s corps commander’s meet has been specifically taken on that.
Watch how hindustanis are exposed in coming months.
by Smoking a Tejas
Come now. We know It’s about achieving your objectives. Simply put India learnt that one nations interests may not be of interest to those with power who can act decisively. Not too mention that little indian pigeon didn’t help as there was silence after China vetoed and the UN scrambled (not) in your defence.
It also didn’t help when Modi Sarkar came out looking like a petulant child sulking for not having got his second helping of ice cream. This round was decisively lost by india.
by MT
azhar masood are good brand ambassadors for pak & chins.
pak reputation adds every time his name is mentioned in global media.
what gud did UN terror batch to hafiz saeed.
india ll Continue to link all future talks with action on jaish & his chief
by MT
india bought half million barrel oil daily from iran in last month which is more than 20 % of total persian oil export.
by MT
then why did they issue contradictory statement
by jigsaww
by jigsaww
Probably another RAW asset. Concentrate on official statement from ISPR and hindustani terrorist’s own mouth.
by Majha sajha
If that’s the case,then Pakistan should delay “delivering on the table” for next 50 years at least,and get more much more from U S for all the loss of lives and destruction they have brought to our country.
by MT
Pak is insignificant in oil business. India consumes 5,mill barrel daily as compared to 300,000 used by pak
by jigsaww
Judging by the amount of minorities and Kashmir’s burnt alive, i’m hardly surprised at such oil utilisation in Hindustan.
by MT
Pak need to realize that India added more than330000 barrel yearly growth to its crude consumption which was more than chinese oil growth with one new refinery of 300000barrel inaugurated by an Indian public sector.
For next two decade Indian demand ll decide crude& minerals prices in USD world market
So Pak need to realize that India ll be center of world attraction
by Mustafa O
I am sure this guy even uses a cheeni mobile and laptop, if he is not operating out of a bombay slum
by Mustafa O
FYI, finance minister has stated in Parliament today that Pakistan doesnot need anymore IMF support. ADB has given a stable outlook for pak economy.
Awwww, dont cry, things are here to stay to make ur life miserable
by Mustafa O
Low quality, yup. I am sure cheeni weapkns are all low quality , they are dumb and foils aeven tjougb they are second biggest econmoy and their ipods, iphones, apple producst, laptops, tvs, 5th gen fighters, missules, carriers, submarines are all toothless against HIGH TECH INDIAN DEFENCE PRODUCTS. MORON stop day dreaming and jerkingoff urself. US military is concerned, but this modi toady who cant live a day without cheeni product, is in a state of denial. Ur obsession with cheen will kill u rapee. Cheen is here to stay as military power of asia. India will stay subordinate, always..
by Mustafa O
Yup massive tetaliation on Pakistani soil. What else pakistan wants, ur economy will go for a six when pakistan rwsponds massively with its Superior missiles and more nuclear wepaons. Would love to take out Bombay, hyderabad, pune, delhi, ahmedabad.. There gkes ur economy and there goes ur tourism.
So ur govt is not as fool as u are. But pak military will surely take out ur adcancing armor inside pak. Tough situation for ur decision makers. Thats why modi and his toadies ran to beg usa masters to pressurize Pakistan. How disgusting
by Mustafa O
Baluchistan is not Bangladesh. Out of 72 tribal sardars in buchistan, 3 are out of pak and trying to forment terrr in lrovince. Rest are all pro Pakistani. Balichistan. Demographics has 50% baloch, 40 % parhans and 10 %mix. Obly 3% of these have mix sentiments, nkt 97%,. How 71 will be repeated, ieave that to ur hindu imagination.
But Kashmiri’s are dead tired of ur occupation. Listen to french 24 news report. Plus pakistan has border with IOK. worryisome right. Keep ur 4 incher inside where it belongs.
by Mustafa O
Way to go masood azhar. Ur ajit doval released him in 98, now u must face the music
by Mustafa O
We love all those who can give u more pain
by Mustafa O
No u fool, just 5 to take down ur econmy. Are u really serious what ur saying. Ur such a shitty stinky fool. With bombay, delhi, hyderabad, goa, banglore gone. Can u imagine who will come or invest in india. Fooool
by Mustafa O
It was india that requested UN and us to intervene. Imagine if it was a war. Kargil would have been a different story. Scums
by Mustafa O
U scum, pakistan paid 1.1 billion for 18 blk 52, 950 million for 45 f16 mlu, 600 million for associated weapons through FMS program, not FMF. Reason why we went for 18 and not 36 as earlier planned due massive earth quake of 2005. Where do tead all the crap shit.. U Indian scum.
by Mustafa O
Awwwwww, so much frustrated with Pakistan. Dream on it blackee
by Mustafa O
The way ur modi and his toadies went running to uae and KSA after pakistan refused yemen coalition, gives a different picture altogether
by Mustafa O
Thats good
by Mustafa O
Like world even cares avkut Hindus. Always whining like . hores
by Mustafa O
Ok. Do it shitties
by Mustafa O
Abey do it na yaar. Why r u telling us
by Mustafa O
Say one thing. Are u retard. First nepal, then Bangladesh. Why not say it once
by Mustafa O
UN will be presented with evidence. Why are u guys pissing in pants. Let pak present the case. Then do what u feel like
by Mustafa O
Aawww.. Its gokd c hindus on defensive
by Mustafa O
Sooóoo defensive
by MT
Nobody takes Pak seriously. Indian govt didnt even bother talk about ISPR ISI malicious lies-
Iran showed you middle finger
by MT
Pak would have lost large chunk of war if it had been full fledged war. Your F16 had no BVR & Mig29 and Su30 had locked on them.
PAF was so scared that it didnt agree to take part in war!
Wasnt it Sharif who ran away to US while Indian PM never moved out of den
by MT
India will have BMD by 2020–And ur country wouldnt survive nuclear retaliation- India may lose large chunk of economy but Pak wont exist on world cup after that
by MT
Some of these groups became TTP & gave you 1000 times more pain-
So dont worry, every action have an opposite reaction
As long as PAk is in collusion with jihadis, we would make sure than not a dog invest in Pakistan
by MT
He was released after Pak ISI agents,taliban and Punjabi jihadis hijacked an Indian airlines plane from Nepal-
He is indeed the most popular brand ambassador for Pak–He truly represents state of Pakistan
by MT
Kashmiris have no other option– Pak has its limitations– Punjabi terrorists cant repeat new 26/11 type of attack — PAk jehadis are our biggest ally as they help brand some extremists kashmiris as ISIS & terrorist supporters while they unfurl ISIS flag on fridays-
As long wahabi kashmiri pay allegiance to ISIS & PAk terrorist, India can feel secured!
Balochis will have free country by 2020
by MT
Pak have only cheeni 1970 era M11,M18 aka shaheen series missiles
India have nukes materials for 2000 bombs- So those nukes can vaporize all cities and towns of Pakistan
by Mustafa O
Modi toady, stop dreaming. Better go to sleep. Ur responses are getting irrational now
by Mustafa O
All those indian supported groups are in ur consulates in Afghanistan. Better train well, for their days are numbered even in Afghanistan
by Mustafa O
Who negotiated u dickhead. Were u born after 98
by Mustafa O
Expected a stupid reply indeed.
Well its also every pakistani wish that india disintegrates into khalistan, assam, chattisgarh, nagaland, bodoland, kashmir etc etc. But some thing are better not said as it exemplifies ones frustration. U can keep on jerking off though
by Mustafa O
Thats why u mr govt is running helter skelter on the issue. I mean, to day state department acknwledged of rhe detention of india spy. Iran has agreed to provide assistance to our interior ministry. Indian chabahar days seem numbered. Poor blackee
by Mustafa O
Again when a donkey talks of taking part in a horse race. U scum, how many batteries of ABM are u biying. Not even USA has an umbrella ABM defence. What ur 3 or 4 batteries are good only for 3 or 4 theatres of ops. Rest all naked. Pakistan would love to have indian invest more rhan 100 billion dollars on ABM, which u cannot btw. So talk logically slum dog
by MT
india is making abm on its own & it ll be trivial to bring down cheeni 70; era jet vanes long march1 rocket / shaheen series.
focus is to attain decent ibm capabilities by 2025; against hypersonic glide vehicle’s such as indian k-4 & wu14.
Isro & Drdo both going to test their hypersonic scram jet propulsion in may & December
Isro testing reusable launch vehicle which ll be powered by scramjet engine above atmosphere while drdo testing hypersonic test dev vehicle in December
by MT
iran president trashed ur gr8 raheel sharif.
They realised pak gimmicky to sabotage chabhahar
by MT
pakistan gets very good name from its alliance with terrorist.india losing 40 soldiers yearly from pak punjabi terrorist help india brand entire pak a terrorist state