With an eye on acquiring Romanian-built Puma helicopters, Pakistan is looking to take up Romania’s offer to strengthen defence ties
The Pakistan Armed Forces have ordered six Cessna-built aircraft for medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) missions under a $14.1 million U.S. contract
Despite the challenges, Pakistan Aeronautical Complex is eager to market the JF-17 in Africa, especially Morocco and Nigeria
A leading designer at CASC says that an “unnamed South Asian” country with a history of buying CH-drones is in talks for the CH-4.
Turkish news outlets are reporting that Otokar is ready to mass produce the Altay main battle tank
The Pakistan Air Force is considering the idea of changing the JF-17’s engine from the RD-93 to the newer RD-33MK or WS-13.
The CM-708UNB has a range of 290km. Could this missile be joining the eight new submarines Pakistan is buying from China?
Pakistan may not have many avenues to explore in the Pacific Asia defence market, but firms such as Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) do have a real shot if they play their cards correctly.
Severe economic troubles may result in Brazil suspending – if not cancelling – its procurement of A-Darter WVRAAMs
Although risky and costly, the Marlin could be Pakistan’s opportunity to secure valuable technology for air-to-air and surface-to-air missile applications