The Government of India has essentially banned (on charges of corruption) the Italian defence giant Leonardo from competing for Indian military contracts.
The Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) has taken delivery of its first of eight Independence-class Littoral Mission Vessels (LMV)
According to India’s defence minister, the Indian Air Force (IAF)’s Rafale deal will be finalized in June.
Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) has selected General Electric (GE) to supply the powerplant that will be used on the KFX
Bureaucratic friction once again grinds the Indian Air Force (IAF)’s Rafale purchase – $8.9 billion for 36 fighters and offsets – to a halt
The Sri Lankan Air Force is reportedly dropping the JF-17 and LCA in favour of a Russian fighter, potentially the Yak-130
A leading designer at CASC says that an “unnamed South Asian” country with a history of buying CH-drones is in talks for the CH-4.
The CM-708UNB has a range of 290km. Could this missile be joining the eight new submarines Pakistan is buying from China?
Pakistan may not have many avenues to explore in the Pacific Asia defence market, but firms such as Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) do have a real shot if they play their cards correctly.
After protracted negotiations, India and France have finalized an $8.8 billion U.S. purchase for 36 Dassault Rafale multi-role fighters.