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Ukrainian company markets KT-112UD light attack helicopter concept
The state-owned Ukrainian company Ukrinmash marketed its KT-112UD light attack helicopter concept in Abu Dhabi at the 2017 International Defence Exhibition and Conference, which concluded last week.
As per Ukrinmash, the KT-112UD would be configurable to carry Barrier-V anti-tank laser-guided missiles and Igla air-to-air missiles. The KT-112UD is to be powered by two 115 hp turboshaft engines, providing the lightweight helicopter with a top speed of 200 km/h and service ceiling of 4,000 metres.
Notes & Comments:
With a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of 1,000 kg, the KT-112UD sits alongside platforms such as the Boeing AH-6 (1,610 kg), Bell Helicopter OH-58D Kiowa Warrior (1,737 kg), the McDonnel Douglas MD-500 Defender (1,361 kg), PZL SW-4 (1,800 kg) and Airbus H125M Fennec (2,800 kg with external load).
Lightweight helicopters such as the KT-112UD as armed scout, training and light utility transports. The KT-112UD is indicative of Ukroboronprom’s efforts to revitalize interest in the Ukrainian defence industry, and the KT-112UD could amount to a viable non-NATO alternative.
However, the industry incumbents draw from years – if not decades – worth of scale built from hundreds or thousands of aircraft sold to hundreds of end-users in dozens of countries. In turn, the likes of Bell, McDonnel Douglas and Airbus can fully compete on acquisition and long-term maintenance costs.
Ukroboronprom could differentiate by pairing the KT-112UD with a flexible transfer-of-technology and domestic and co-marketing package to the initial end-user. The KT-112UD could offer certain countries an entry into feasibly building an helicopter industry.
The KT-112UD could also emerge with a competitive price-point if Ukroboronprom manages development costs, which in turn may necessitate it to commercially source additional components (alongside engines from Rotax) from abroad. However, a domestic turboshaft from Motor Sich would provide Ukrinmash with the highest level of control and flexibility over the KT-112UD.
by Superior Shakeel
Looks kinda compact and cute lol
But payload is surprisingly is low it’s like ultra light utility helicopter.
by Zill e Hussnain
do u study in superior college/university?
by Superior Shakeel
I’m not in a university anymore now besides there were 2 shakeel on the forum it’s a way to distinguish between the 2 with the superior one being me XD.