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Saudi Arabia unveils Saqr 1 armed drone
The King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) unveiled its first armed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) – the Saqr 1 – on May 11.
The Saudi Press Agency reports that the Saqr 1 is equipped with a Ka-band satellite communications (SATCOM) system with a range of 2,500 km, average altitude of 20,000 ft and endurance of 24 hours. It can deploy laser-guided air-to-ground missiles (AGM) and bombs with ranges of up to 10 km.
Shephard Media states that the Saqr 1 is powered by a Rotax 914 engine and has a payload of 250 kg with two hardpoints, which are compatible with AR-1 AGM and FT-9 guided bombs. The UAV has a maximum take-off weight of 1,400 kg.
KACST added that second and third-generation variants of the Saqr 1 – i.e. Saqr 1B and 1C – are currently in use or under development, respectively.
Analysts (e.g. IHS Jane’s) have noted that the Saqr 1 does not bear any decisive resemblances to known China Aerospace Science Technology Corporation (CASC) CH-series drones. In March, KACST and CASC signed an agreement to co-produce UAVs. In fact, KACST’s statements indicate that development of the Saqr UAV platform predates those agreements by up to four years.
by Zain YG
Nice, this is good actually, now weapons made by muslims to kill muslims, we can’t blame the Americans when they use this, this is the House of Al Saud, a wannabe nobility, that has taken over our holy places, killing our brothers and sisters, and guess what? they are innovating! NICE.
apart from my personal differences with them, having in mind their geopolitical ambitions, it’s very unlikely they would ever sell this to other muslim nations outside the gulf, or make a transfer of energy.
That’s how it works.
by Zain YG
Let’s not forget that this Saudis, are where they are, thanks to the Western powers, and their military ambitions and course of action, is aligned with the westerners, so this is all but good news for the Muslim countries, because as of yet, the real warmongering politicians just got in power in Washington.
And we all know the Saudi puppets, and the other gulf puppets will behave and do as they’re told, their advanced army and weaponry won’t do much to help them, it takes a false flag and suddenly a revolution happens, and there come the westerners to help the locals, to gain freedom, and killing millions in collateral.
Might not be very relevant to the nature of this page, but truth be told, this weapon, and any other they develop, countries like Pakistan, won’t gain anything from it. not in military/technological cooperation or intelligence.
by Steve
Who are they collaborating with.
by ali amanat
Nothing more than depiction of a picture , such systems are even beyond their thinking rather than development and production of such a sophisticated and advanced weapos system, even they cant maintain their best of the world and advance weapon systams , they already have in their armoury,without the help of their suppliers.
by Salman Naveed
It is highly doubtable that the Saudis developed this UAV completely on their own. It may be pointed out that they have the resources and perhaps even the facilities. But they do not have any qualified manpower of local origin which may take up the task of mastering such a complex technology.
Even if it is assumed that this is a completely indigenous Saudi product, we have yet to see verifiable video evidence of this UAV flying and using it’s weaponry.
by Stan
When you have friends in Israel and Iran is your rival why do you ask that question
by Salman
Very, very more like the sheikhs got one from China as was rumored in the previous days and renamed it to hide the sale. It obviously isn’t a Predator since the US wont allow the rebranding. Ponder on their persistent pursuit on affecting the region, and strengthening their military forces and playing the switcheroo with different sides who will, yes, provide them more military strength. This is obvious of any ballooning nation in the world, which has nothing on the inside but wrecks and tries to build up size and strength. One of the most pitiful and uncivilised nomadic mufsideen in the world they are.
by yoyah
The west said that about China… Iran and so on few decades back… Well you have your answer today…
by Syed Bushra
How do you “unveil” a drone and then claim you have second and third-generation variants either in use or under development? Perhaps something is being lost in the translation. In any case, it a great development and congratulations are in order
by Sainulabid
the design is based on a South African denel UAV http://www.aviationanalysis.net/2017/05/saudi-unveils-indigenous-combat-drone.html
by Aaif khan
“Beyond their thinking ” ? You said to much. Check the video.
They have no skilled labour no manpower no r&d and no persistence and determination and commitment either but they have money and money buys everything.
I have coined a new term for such Nation ‘Neo peripheral. They can be easily exploited by anyone.
Anyway, wish them a good Luck. They are close ally of Pakistan. They give you aids so be thankful and grateful to them.
by Aaif khan
No matter how technologically backward they are. But they are not uncivilized.
From Australia to Alaska They are the most most most and most civilized people on Earth. How a Salman can insult the Arab culture? They also remain civilized in poverty and there is nothing bad in being Nomad. Atleast much better than to live in crusaders country.
by ali amanat
Brother i excuse , if you are hurt by my words, i know them very well ,coz i was the part of aforementioned systems and i have participarted actively in the mutual exercises between paf and other air forces , i know the truth , their skilled level dedication and their knowledge so it was my opinion and the reality and truth speaks itself,
Again i excuse if you are hurt but i stick to my words . I know these systems very well and have experience years.