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Pakistan Ordnance Factories exports up by 325%
According to the Chairman of Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF), Lt. Gen Omer Mehmood Hayat, POF’s exports increased by 325% in 2015-2016 in comparison to 2014-2015 (Associated Press of Pakistan).
In 2014-2015, POF had exported $22.03 million in product, but in 2015-2016 its exports swelled to $93.68 million. POF also received PKR 25 billion ($238 million U.S.) to support the armed forces’ needs.
The Minister of Defence Production (MoDP), Mr. Rana Tanveer Hussain, also reiterated his department’s support for POF’s modernization efforts, such as the replacing the company’s manufacturing machinery.
Notes & Comments:
The sharp climb in POF’s exports can be attributed to purchases from Saudi Arabia, which is currently POF’s largest export customer. However, the company has had active marketing year, especially in terms of attending overseas defence exhibitions, especially in Africa and Far East Asia.
Building upon this and securing additional high volume (and ideally long-term) sales could be an objective for the MoDP, which is seeking to enable Pakistan’s state-owned defence industry entities to be less dependent on government subsidies.
A recently signed memorandum of understanding with an Italian manufacturing company – Sir Meccanica – and an ongoing rifle competition appear to be POF’s key modernization programs.
by nob hamid gul
The ongoing operation zarb e az and Saudi war on Iranian backed houthies has contributed to pof increasing export
by Qasim Ahmad
very happy to hear good news
pak army #zinda #bad
by Sami Shahid
POF and HIT should target customers like Iraq and Syria as well