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JF-17 participated in Russian-Pakistani bilateral exercise

According to a press release by the Russian Ministry of Defence, the JF-17 Thunder and AH-1F/S Cobra were deployed over Cherat in support of Friendship 2016, the first bilateral military exercise between Russia and Pakistan. The JF-17’s close air support (CAS) coverage came in a counterinsurgency (COIN)-related setting involving a series of relevant combat scenarios.

Notes & Comments:

Although the first bilateral exercise between Pakistan and Russia, at over two weeks, it has been a long and seemingly comprehensive in its scope. Granted, the focus is COIN capacity building, but the inclusion of Pakistani CAS assets – and that too in the midst of High Mark 2016 – was unexpected.

The presence of the AH-1F/S Cobra attack helicopter indicates the growth that Pakistan’s cross-organizational communication and co-ordination competency, which had been built since 2010 in order to raise the armed forces’ capacity for COIN operations.

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  • by Sami Shahid
    Posted October 7, 2016 12:20 pm 0Likes

    I’ve seen the video

  • by Abdul Rashid
    Posted October 8, 2016 9:55 am 0Likes

    Hi Aman, is this a video of JF-17’s participation in the Friendship-2016 exercise? If it is, please share the link.Thanks.

  • by AMAN
    Posted October 8, 2016 10:27 pm 0Likes

    I was just making fun of Sami Shahid that i have too seen a video of jf -17 in pak russia exercise. Reality is that the video hasn’t been uploaded yet.
    Thanks Abdul Rashid!!!!

  • by AMAN
    Posted October 9, 2016 4:48 am 0Likes

    My friend Abdul i got the link =
    in this video you will spot JF-17

  • by Abdul Rashid
    Posted October 9, 2016 7:25 am 0Likes

    Oh Aman,come on now yaar! I wasted a precious few minutes searching for the video that was not there to be found! Thanks for the link now though.

  • by Abdul Rashid
    Posted October 9, 2016 7:30 am 0Likes

    Thanks, great video. Just need to learn Russian now, next task.

  • by jamshed_kharian_pak
    Posted October 9, 2016 1:51 pm 0Likes

    Br Aman many thanks, Proud of Pak Armed Forces, Salut Russian Armed Forces, Pak-Russia-China Zindaa Baad

  • by Abdul Rashid
    Posted October 9, 2016 4:51 pm 0Likes

    Just for you, Aman. Until PAF can/will induct Su-35, enjoy this photo of JF-17 model I proudly own….

  • by ATS
    Posted October 10, 2016 3:50 pm 0Likes

    one JF17 lost to Arabian sea on 27 sept 16 . not sure whether the ejected pilot recovered or not

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