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Indonesian & Turkish firms showcase new medium tank
The Turkish armour vehicle manufacturer FNSS Savunma Sistemleri and Indonesian defence vendor PT Pindad have unveiled the collaborative tank program, the Modern Medium Weight Tank (MMWT), at Indo Defence 2016, Indonesia’s bi-annual defence exhibition.
Notes & Comments:
Jakarta and Ankara agreed to develop the MMWT for the Indonesian Army in May 2015 at a reported cost of $30 million U.S. (CNN Indonesia). Development of the MMWT is expected to take up to 37 months; the first prototype will be built in Turkey, while the second in Indonesia (Hurriyet).
FNSS revealed that the MMWT would weigh 35 tons and will be capable of traveling at 70 km/h (IHS Jane’s), putting the MMWT in the range of NORINCO’s newly unveiled VT-5 lightweight tank, which weighs 33 to 36 tons (IHS Jane’s). It is not known if the Turkish Army is interested in the program.
The MMWT could give FNSS a potentially attractive tank for the wider export market, especially if the tank’s unit cost sits in the range of Chinese and Russian tanks.