For Argentina, the challenge of buying the JF-17 is not just a narrow technology issue, but a broader geo-political matter.
Pakistan’s J-10CE and Type 054A/P frigate programs continue progressing. Pakistan is also aiming to shore up its existing US equipment.
Pakistan’s near-3% increase to its defence budget will not offset the impact of the country’s structural economic flaws from recent years.
The Russia-Ukraine war crossed its 100th day. Today, the war shows the benefits of drones for area and access denial, but their strategic limits as well.
This week’s Quwa Premium article is a recap of some defence news items from around the world. Besides a basic overview of the news, this article also offers short-form analysis of each issue.
Turkey Launches Second Reis-Class Submarine for Sea Trials
On 23…
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KSEW) launched the Pakistan Navy’s third Babur-class (MILGEM) corvette – PNS Badr.
One of the marque aspects of Pakistan’s defence modernization efforts is its widespread drive to improve its ground-based and sea-based air defence environments. Since Pakistan started this process in the early 2010s, it has improved its situational awareness, targeting, and surface-to-air missile…
ASFAT A.Ş. selects SSI’s ShipConstructor solution for Jinnah-class frigate. Pakistan Navy inducts FAC(M)-4, PNS Haibat. Bayraktar TB2 extends its wartime utility.
In March 2022, the Pakistan Air Force inducted its first batch of six J-10CE multi-role fighter aircraft from China. This marked the completion of a six-year-long acquisition effort.
Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, Gen. Bajwa, said that Pakistan will ultimately rely more on China for arms.