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Turkey’s Göktürk-1 earth observation satellite now in orbit
The European Space Centre in French Guiana successfully launched Turkey’s earth observation satellite, the Göktürk-1, into orbit on Monday, 05 December 2016, via the European VEGA launcher.
The Göktürk-1 was designed and developed by Leonardo-Finmeccanica (67%) and Thales (33%) as part of a space development program commissioned by Turkey’s Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) in July 2009.
The satellite was completed in 2015 and subsequently cleared for export to and utilization by Turkey in May of that year (Space News).
The Daily Sabah reports that the Göktürk-1 has been allocated to the Turkish Air Force’s Reconnaissance Satellite Battalion, which will use the satellite as part of the armed forces’ intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) efforts.
However, the focus of Göktürk-1 will be to provide valuable surveillance support for civil efforts, such as responding to natural disasters, law-enforcement, monitoring pollution at sea, etc.
The Göktürk-1 will be joined by the Göktürk-3 before 2020.
The Göktürk-3 will be equipped with a synthetic aperture radar (SAR), which will enable the Turkish armed forces to secure high-resolution photos at day and at night.
Although Leonardo and Thales undertook much of the Göktürk-1’s development, Turkey’s leading defence vendors, most notably Turkish Aerospace Industries, Aselsan, Roketsan, Tübitak UEKAE, and TR Teknoloji also participated in the program for capacity building purposes and sourcing specific inputs.
Notes & Comments:
Satellite operations are poised to serve a key component in the Turkish armed forces’ long-term goals. In addition to enhanced ISR coverage via the Göktürk-1 and Göktürk-3, the Turkish Air Force and Turkish Navy will also be using satellite communication (SATCOM) with the Anka drone and Ada-class corvettes, respectively. Aselsan, in partnership with Astrium Services, is supplying SATCOM terminals to the Turkish armed forces. The indigenously produced Türksat 6A communications satellite will play a key role in this program.
by Andrei Romanov
India has it’s Space technology Transferred from former USSR and USSR Build Indias Nukes It’s Air force and many thing I can not count.
But USA gave you what nothing other than isolation and poorness and label of terrorist to all Muslim brothers killing them with their drones and sending TTP terrorists in Pakistan. And your Kind Arabs are flirting with USA.
by Jack More
Oh really.Where did you read.India has its own space program without any help.First you should check indian space program history,where satellites were transferred on carts.India was under sanctions when it was developing space programs.The fact is that you don’t want to listen India achieved this.Even after 20 years of hardwork,India developed its own Cyrogenic engine indigenously without any help.Even Nuts and bolts for any space mission is being made in and by India.
by Jack More
And Ussr build nukes for India.fyi India started its Nuclear program in 1944 during World war 2 and the chief person was great scientist Dr Bhabha.And it took 30 years to test first N bomb.According to you,Ussr developed Nukes for india taking 30 years despite having experience.Sorry man,Your comment doesn’t stand here.
by Johnny Bravo
and now India is flirting with the USA
by sinisterfalcon007
Your statement implies that Russia is being used as comfort women for pleasure by countries like China & India first they import Russian weapon systems then they reverse engineer it & top of that sell to those countries which are traditional Russian arms buyer without even bothering to take permission from Russia, this shows where Russia stands today among the asian giants.
by amar
Andrei kindly provide official or credible report of “technology transfer” from USSR to India in the field of space sciences or nuclear weapons. Kindly note technology transfer do not amount to selling of certain equipment.It amounts to extensive transfer of “know how” to Indian industry.
I’m waiting for you credible proof
by Sinan Cagrı Kurt
I think two things should be noted;
– Turkish companies sent over dozen engineer to France to be part of design process sorta ToT and similarly A group of engineer was sent to Japan to be part of design process in Turksat 4a/b
– This satellite is the first satellite that can take high resolution pictures of Israel in any Muslim country.
by Andrei Romanov
what credible proof ?
All that started after war of 1965 , Indian military was not happy with current P.M. of India and after he died they took Indira Gandhi in power in 1966
and from then INDO-Soviet alliance begun. After that in your Nuke program started in 1967 which resulted in first nuke test in 1974
your space agency ISRO was opened 1969 and first satellite launched in 1975,
Your secret agency R&AW opened in 1968.
And so much i cannot count as i said earlier.
by Andrei Romanov
Your actual Nuke program started in 1967 and first nuke test in 1974.
It only took 7 Years. visit this page – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction
And who are you defending now USA which killed your precious BHABHA
Which was upto attack you in 1971 war,
Which killed your 15000 people in Bhopal gas disaster.
Which banned medicines to your country.
You are Treacherous
Shame on you bro.
by Andrei Romanov
What hard work bro ?
Every one knows it why Pakistan SUPARCO is not match able of ISRO
You had soviet which developed you in every scenario and Pakistan had USA which not let them develop.
Your such a Treacherous person bro.
by Andrei Romanov
USSR was like a father to both of them one became Mongrel and one is still with us. Russia allow china to do that because China does not export Reverse engineered Equipment to other countries.
Russia and china are still Great allies.
by Andrei Romanov
I think i have answered all of you who have raised question over my comment.
And i am sad so much, you have again proved your Treacherousness.
by amar
shame on you man for FAILING to provide a credible report! You’re increasingly loosing your credibility as a poster. How long would you keep me waiting
by Andrei Romanov
I have told what is right but if you are not satisfied then read this –
and that is not by me It’s wikipedia -https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smiling_Buddha#Weapons_development.2C_1967.E2.80.9372
I again call you an Namak Haram person.
by Andrei Romanov
Visit this page -https://www.quora.com/Why-do-so-many-Indians-support-Vladimir-Putin
press ctrl-F and search ‘nuclear’ and read all answers
it’s your own people says that not only me.
You are a Pakistani with fake Russian name.
by Andrei Romanov
Oh you people just keep defending USA then it’s nothing and I put some comment in favor of Pakistan then you call me A Pakistani ,
You keep doing Malabar and other exercise with USA we say nothing
but A military exercise between Russia and Pakistan caused you su much problem , is not the injustice?