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Nigeria receives four Super Mushshak trainers
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) and Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) have delivered four Super Mushshak trainers to the Nigerian Air Force (NAF).
The aircraft were handed over in a ceremony held at Kaduna Air Base in Nigeria. Kaduna is the home of the NAF’s Training Command and Air Force Institute of Technology.
As per Flight Global, these four aircraft are from existing PAF/PAC stocks and are being loaned to the NAF as an interim measure until the NAF’s new-build Super Mushshak aircraft are delivered.
A total of eight surplus units will be loaned to the NAF.
Nigeria ordered 10 Super Mushshak in June as part of a comprehensive effort to modernize its air force.
As part of the program, the PAF will also provide instructors for the NAF’s 310 Flying School to help train future NAF pilots. A local support facility for training and technical support will also be raised in Nigeria (Associated Press of Pakistan).
The NAF Chief of Air Staff also confirmed that three JF-17 multi-role fighters will also join the fighter fleet.
In 2016, PAC has seen renewed traction with the Super Mushshak, a heavily upgraded variant of the Saab MFI-17 Safari with, among other improvements, a glass cockpit and uprated engine.
Qatar ordered eight Super Mushshak, while Turkey recently signed a memorandum-of-understanding for 52 units, amounting to PAC’s largest single order for the aircraft to date.
The Super Mushshak is marketed as a basic trainer suitable providing basic flying-competency and for screening novice pilots ahead of intensive flight training programs.
by Andrei Romanov
Good Good keep going.
by Shakeel
Pakistan needs to maintain a good post sale delivery service.
by jamshed_kharian_pak
with pleasure to see my Nigerian Brothers to get together, very good news, transfer of know how south/south